The genetic atlas

I (M170) The diagnostic marker of Cro-Magnon expansion in Paleolithic Europe
I1 (M253) Represents an early expansion Europids in Paleolithic Northern Europe
I1a (S438) This lineage was able to repopulate Northern Europe in the early Mesolithic
I1a1 (M227) Expanded on the East Bank of the Vistula river and south to the Balkans
I1a1a (M72) Representing a small minority in Eastern Europe
I1a2 (L22) Represents Mesolithic Europid prominence in Scandinavia
I1a2a (P109) Marker of a Europid expansion into Germany
I1a2b (L205) Marker of a Europid expansion into Atlantic Europe
I1a2c (L287) Marker of a prominent Europid population emergence in Finland
I1a2c1 (L258) Accounts for the majority of I (M170) Europid males in Finland
I1a2c1a (L296) A younger lineage that represents a primary portion of I (M170) in Finland
I1a2d (L300) Marker of a less successful Europid expansion into Finland
I1a2e (L813) A southwestern expansion of Nordic Europids
I1a3 (Z58) This population reached Germany +5,000 years ago
I1a3a (Z59) This lineage is the most dominant lineage in I1 (M253) Northern Europids
I1a3a1 (Z60) a lineage that remained predominant in North Germany until the early Bronze age
I1a3a1a (Z140) Marker of Bronze age expansion out of North Germany
I1a3a1a1 (L338) Marker of historic expansion out of North Germany
I1a3a1ab (Z73) This lineage marks a Bronze age back migration into Scandinavia
I1a3a1ac (L573) probably a lineal population in Baltic Germany
I1a3a1ad (L803) Marker of Bronze age Europids in Atlantic Germany
I1a3a2 (Z382) Marker of Neolithic Europids in North Germania
I1a3b (Z138) This population expanded out of Atlantic Germany
I1a4 (Z63) Marker of Mesolithic Europids in Germany & multi episodes of Secondary minor expansions
I1b (Z131) Remnants of a reduced Paleolithic Europid population that emerged in Western Europe

I2 (L68) Represents an early expansion Europids into Paleolithic Southern Europe
I2a (L460) This lineage accounts for the majority of I2 (L68) Southern Europids
I2a1 (P37.2) Marker of Southern Europid expansion out of Alpine Europe
I2a1a (L158) Predominant lineage in Sardinia, the remains of SW European population
I2a1a1 (L160) This population emerged from the L158 population that reached the Bay of Biscay
I2a1a1a (M161) A very small minority in Puerto Rico
I2a1b (L178) This population expanded between the Atlantic & the Vistula River in the Neolithic
I2a1b1 (M359.2) Marks the Bronze age Southwards expansion down the Vistula Valley
I2a1b2 (L161.1) This lineage is the surviving minority of the Western I2a1b (L178) population
I2a1c (L233) Emerged out of I2a1 populations that moved to the North Germany
I2a2 (L35) The Southern Europids of Germany that managed to survive the Eurasid intrusion & expand with it
I2a2a (L34) Expanded out of Germany in Neolithic to the East & West
I2b (L415) The remains of a once important lineage, that was largely reduced by I2a2 (M285) & Eurasid invasions
I2c (L596) Emerged in the Rhineland, was largely reduced by I2a2 (M285) & Eurasid invasions
The Genetic Atlas labels IJ for Cro Magnon
ОтветитьУдалитьI Europid Cro Magnon
J Arabid Cro Magnon
No.... Cro-Magnon is only the Europoid one, because he is Neanderthal interbreed. J is just some desert subhuman evolution gone wrong. CM has specific anthropological features that are absent from J carriers. Hence forth they are not CM.
ОтветитьУдалитьI2 concentration goes as much as 65% in those very dark areas not 30%.